Using reflection we can convert the datatable into strongly typed collection. I'll prefer list as a collection.
Let's suppose I have a class of Emp and I have put two fields in it.
class Emp{ string Id {get; set;} string Name{get; set;}}
Now, to convert datatable into any class, Ofcourse we'll have to use Generic template that will find the type of the class.
We are creating a class that will convert Datatable into strongly typed list.
This is the declaration of a class where we will refer any business class as a 'T' and that 'T' type should have a constructor with no arguments. We are ensuring in the where.
public class DatatableToListMapper : where T : new()
We will create a method ConvertDataTableIntoList where Datatable will be passed as an argument and this method will return List of type T.
Here's the signature of the method.
List ConvertDataTableIntoList(DataTable dt)
// create list of type T.
List objT = new List();
Now we will fetch every row from the DataTable.
foreach(DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
Now we will get the properties of the T class using the method typeof(T).GetProperties() and will retrieve every property using loop. Create an object of type T.
T obj = new T();
foreach(var property in typeof(T).GetProperties()){
property.SetValue(obj, dr[property.Name], null); /// Setting the property value in the object obj.
//Add this object in a
At last return the object of list after conversion. I'll share the code in the next post where the mapping can be user defined using a Dictionary collection.
return objT;
At last return the object of list after conversion. I'll share the code in the next post where the mapping can be user defined using a Dictionary collection.
return objT;
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